Saturday, January 25, 2014


Saturday, 1/18
1. Attending a Ballerina Tea Birthday Party with Isla. Seeing my girl dance in a tutu makes me tears eyed. I love the age, 6!
2. A mid day nap knowing John is awake to take care of the kids if they wake up from their naps.
3. Hanging a mirror on our dining room wall!
Sunday, 1/19
1. Coffee in bed while watching the morning news
2. Grocery shopping with just lil Hart tagging along. Special time!
3. Sunday night dinner charades.
Monday, 1/20
1. A day with all 4 of my babies.
2. Watching them play outside for 4 hrs straight! 2 hours in the backyard and 2 in the front!
3. The smell of Hart and Leo's newly painted rooms!
Tuesday, 1/21
1. Taking the boys to the library.
2. Falling asleep holding Leo's hand at nap time.
3. Listening to Isla talk the painters' ears off for an hour after she got home from school!

Wednesday, 1/22
1. Playing with the boys all morning upstairs, uninterrupted!
2. Falling asleep holding Palmer's hand at nap time.
3. Smiling because I love our new colored walls.
Thursday, 1/23
1. Our school day morning routine! Even though it's hectic and rushed, I love all that it involves. Being greeted by sleepy faces in our bed, hot coffee, making lunches, breakfast at the kitchen island, and getting my babies dressed and packed into the car...all in an hour and a half!
2. Leo staring at a Hart at lunch time and then saying, "I love you, Hart!"
3. John walking into the house after a long afternoon.
Friday, 1/24
1. Hearing from Leo's teachers on a phone conference that he is doing great in school and kids fight over who will sleep next to him at rest time.
2. Switching out pictures in frames around the house.
3. A recital in the loft after dinner.

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