Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Days

Last week was VERY emotional for me.  My two oldest babies had their first days of school and I was a mess.  Knowing a milestone is coming is the hardest part for me.  I just want it to get here and pass and then everything is okay.  I hate seeing my babies get older but I can honestly say after getting through last week, I’m so excited for them now.  Seeing them so happy after school and hearing all that they are learning each day makes me one proud mama.  I’ve done my best teaching them at home and molding them into who they are today and It’s time their little wings soared to see what else their minds and bodies are capable of.  I can’t wait to see what all this year has in store for them. 

Leo definitely surprised me the most.  He’s been by my side since the day his body was placed in my arms and at almost 3 I thought for sure this little guy of mine would have major separation anxiety.  Boy was I wrong.  We walked into Palms Preschool, one of his hands in mine, the other with two fingers in his mouth (what he does when he’s nervous), hung up his backpack and lunchbox, then he ran off and immediately began playing.  When I knew he was going to be fine, I went up and kissed my buddy goodbye and said our special “I love you” and walked out of the door with tears in my eyes but joy in my heart knowing he was going to be okay.  I came back at noon to pick him up and he was sitting on a blue chair by the door, with a book in his lap, looking out the window for his mama, with tears in his eyes.  Apparently he had just started crying.  He was brave the whole day but knew I was coming right after lunch to get him and he wanted me there immediately.  When he saw me, that precious smile of his flashed across his face and I ran in to hug him.  Leo had a great first day of 2 year old preschool and he’s done great ever since.  He loves his class and teacher, Ms. Tiffany.  His favorite song is “A Ram Sam Sam” and he also loves playing with the race car ramp in the classroom.  He came home today singing the Days of the Week song and in 7 days, has already grown up so much.  We are proud of our sweet boy!


Isla Shea woke up last Friday ready to walk out of the door at 6:30am.  She was super excited about starting Kindergarten.  The day before I rocked her to sleep at naptime like I’ve done so many times over the past 5 years and realized it would be one of the last times I ever got to rock my little girl to sleep.  That tore a little piece of my heart apart.  But Friday came nonetheless and as much as I wanted that first day of Kindergarten to still be  a long way off, it was here and she was ready.  She got dressed in the outfit she picked out on our special night out, put on her silver headband and pink backpack, struck a few poses for the camera and said, “Mom, can we go now,” about a million times before it was actually time to head on out.  I was more nervous on this day than sad.  We’ve already done the school/separation thing but what worried me the most was the whole BIG PUBLIC SCHOOL atmosphere.  She’s been at tiny Palms preschool with the same friends for so long.  Her elementary school has 1100 students.  It’s big and her class has 27 classmates with 2 teachers.  I was just anxious about this new transition, but I shouldn’t have been.  I walked her to class with John, Leo, and Palmer and we hung up her backpack and lunchbox in her cubby, found her seat (next to Isabella and Theo), got her settled, and kissed our angel goodbye.  She LOVED her first day, and every day since!!!  I pulled up in the car line that afternoon (4th in line because I arrived 30 min. before school got out) and watched as the Coach walked the Kindergarten car riders out of the building and they all sat down on the red line.  I immediately saw my Isla with her backpack almost as big as her on and a cute raccoon hat she had made on her head.  I was so excited to see her and hear all about how the day went.  She told me she, “loved school more than Disney World!”  And just like that, all my nervousness, anxiousness, and sadness disappeared.  She was going to be just fine here.  Isla continued to tell me all about the new routines and how when the teacher, “blow-did the whistle, we had to line up.”  And how when you get 5 stars you “getta go to the treasure box.”  And for the record my girl has already been to the treasure box and it’s only day 3.  She got some pretty cool play dough and I’m pretty darn proud of her too!!!

backpackphoto-2012-08-24-09-03-30-763[1]Isla's first day of kindergarten

First day of Preschool and Kindergarten, they are hard but honestly, it’s only just the beginning.  They are still so little and we have so many more milestones and memories in the years to come.  That’s something to be excited about!





Friday, August 3, 2012

Summer Wrap Up

We only have 17 days left until the first week of school.  My little Leo will be starting preschool as my Isla leaves and starts Kindergarten.  My heart breaks just thinking about that week and I really don’t know how I’m going to make it through.  At least I know I have these 3 precious faces who will be with me every afternoon and that’s what will get me through the mornings…

Our Fourth of July







It was low key and simple making it just a fun little day.  Isla’s best friend, Riley, came over with her brother and parents, our neighbors Lynn, Ben, and Avery, Coach, Gigi, Papa, B.B. and Heather were all there too.  We roasted oysters, grilled hotdogs, played in the hose, lit sparklers and fountains from the yard and sat back and enjoyed the scenery.  It’s hard to believe that was our last 4th of July at our home but we look forward to the new 4th fests on Cornwall Drive. 

Some Family Shots



More Pool Fun




Pizza On the Beach One Evening






love - Copy


And the start of Leo’s seagull fear.  We were attacked by a flock of them who really wanted some pizza.  They squawked and swooped and Leo has never been the same since.  He doesn’t even want to go to the beach because he’s so scared of the “giant birds.” 

Brotherly Snuggles


Lemonade Stand


Pre-K Olympics



She’s wrapping up her 3 years at Palms.  Isla only has 4 more days left with the friends she’s had since she was 2.  She’ll only be walking down that hallway as a student for 4 more days and she only has 4 more days of preschool fun.  I HATE that she’s growing up, but I know I’ve cherished every second of her littleness.  She’s still little, I have to remind myself of that all the time, and she’ll always be my little girl, but these milestones always make my heart hurt.  The good news is until she starts Kindergarten I’ll have her at home with me all day every day for 14 days and that makes my heart very happy!!