Thursday, January 27, 2011

The in-between

I write a lot about all the wonderful days, memories, and moments that our family has together but rarely do I talk about the time in-between. Mainly because it's not so glorious...but I really want to remember it because it's a part of my life right now and although it drives me crazy some days, I know one day I'll miss the craziness. For instance, we went to the park the other day and it was great fun and my angels loved swinging and playing pirate ship and troll on the bridge....and I could leave it at that, but let's not and talk about what it took to get there....they woke up from their naps, Isla always before Leo. Isla wasn't so chipper, she whined until I turned on a program for her, got her a snack, and some milk. After attending to her I heard another soft cry coming from Leo's room. I went in to pick him up out of his crib and he fell backwards crying even louder. I'm thinking to myself, aren't you supposed to be happy after naps? So there I was trying to soothe a 15 month old baby on the couch while my 3 year old continued to whine about how she wanted another snack. Meanwhile there are blocks, balls, 100 crayons, chalk pieces, paper scraps, cheese puff crumbs, sippy cups, pacifiers, and once folded laundry piles thrown all over the living room. About 5 hours prior, it had been a spotless room. I wondered why I even bothered straightening up earlier and decided we needed to get out of the house! So I gathered up two coats, a pacifier, some water, and string cheese for the stroller ride while Isla tackled Leo on the kitchen tile, Ellie cat was meowing to be fed, and I was having sciatic pain from whatever position our little baby was in. It's in these times I almost lose it but I somehow laugh it off and we finally make our way to the park. And then it's fabulous!

Last weekend we decided to go to the circus for the first time. We chose the 11:30 show even though naptime is at 12 :30 in our house. "It'll be fine," I thought, "the circus will keep them happy." Well turns out my kids want their nap when they want it no matter what they are watching or where they are. The 11:30-12:30 hour was fine. They watched the pre-show, ate cotton candy, and enjoyed the circus performers but then after intermission, when the cotton candy was gone, and the tigers' cage was empty, they made it known that it was time to go. So off we went and away they drifted to sleep on the car ride home. At least I learned my lesson, never attempt to schedule anything during naptime.

All ready to go

Isla playing dress-up during the pre-show

Leo in awe of all that what happening around him

And during weekdays between the time we drop Isla off at school and lunch/nap time Leo and I get to enjoy each other's company. We read books, play toys, play silly lap games, and just have fun but sometimes Mommy needs to accomplish some things around the laundry, dishes, vacuming, checking email, etc. Well this is VERY hard to do with a baby going through separation anxiety. He needs to be by my side constantly, which I love but sometimes just need a break. In order to jump on the computer he needs to be on the countertop next to me. He proceeds to clear out jars of pens, scissors, batteries and other treasures while I type away. Yesterday he found an old (and still positive) pregnancy test.

I was making myself a blanket the other morning and had it perfectly laid out, ready to go when after naptime Leo came charging in, grabbing it immediately, and started playing peek-a-boo.

My point is, our days aren't always pefect in every way, it's pretty impossible to get anything done around the house, and I loose my patience occasionally, but I can't complain because I get to stay home with these two (and a half) and I wouldn't want it any other way. The in-between times may get stressful but it's the rest of the time that I love and cherish.

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