Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Right Now

Palmer is 2 months old!  He weighs 12 lbs. 11 oz. and is 23 3/4 inches long putting him in the 75th percentile for both weight and height.  He was born my biggest baby but is now smaller than Isla and Leo were at this age.  Isla was close to 13 lbs. and Leo was 15 lbs. at their 2 month appointments.  He is smiling all the time at us now and is really enjoying looking at rattles and other toys I dangle in front of him.   He still hates the car seat and car rides are no fun at all.  Palmer cries the whole time.  Leo sits next to Palmer and used to say, “All done” to Palmer which was his sweet way of saying, “Palmer, STOP CRYING!” Now he’s used to it and will even fall asleep close to naptime while Palmer is screaming at the top of his lungs.  Hopefully Palmer will outgrow this soon or our trips to and from Isla’s preschool will continue to be pretty brutal.  Palmer makes up for the car rides with is great sleeping skills.   He only wakes up once during the night to nurse.  I nurse and put him down all swaddled and comfy in his bassinet at 7 and he doesn’t wake up again until around 3 am.  Then he’s up for the day at 6:30.  I feel like we’ve settled into a good routine and can’t believe it only took 2 months.  We love our baby p-nut!




Leo is 21 months old and is our little parrot.  He repeats anything you say to him.  Some of my favorite phrases of his are,  “anky bear” for The Very Cranky Bear book, “ank you mommy”, “Hi Malner” for Hi Palmer, “good to see you”, “book peas”, “punkins” for the 5 little pumpkins book, and I could go on.  He is the sweetest baby/toddler in the world.  If we say no to him or get on to him for whining he puts his hands in his mouth.  It’s what he does when he’s nervous or embarrassed.  Then he makes his famous pouty lip face and eventually cries.  He hates for people to be upset with him.  He has such a tender heart.  I find it really hard to reprimand him because he’s such a softy, not to mention he has the cutest face on the planet.  Leo loves playing hide and seek as well as tag!  His giggle is contagious as you are chasing him down.  Lately he has to fall asleep with his “trains” in his crib.  He’s got some Thomas trains of various sizes that are like his comfort items.  He still clutches onto Bashful, the donkey, but the trains have to also be by his head.  It’s hilarious.  I love my first boy to pieces.


This little lady is 4 years and 2 months and is a barrel of laughs.  She’s got such a personality.  Isla is super strong willed and very stubborn but also caring, sweet, and loving.  She’s into picking out her own clothes and insists on wearing dresses or a pretty skirt everyday.  She also loves complimenting people and making friends.  She’ll see a complete stranger at Publix, Target, the pool, wherever and say, “I like your dress,” or “Wanna play with me,” or “Your barrette is beautiful.”  I love my angel and her beautiful heart and soul. 


Right now I’m soaking up every second with these three joys of ours. 

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