Monday, August 11, 2014


Tuesday, July 29

1. Link's 4 month checkup! He's growing good but our Dr. is recommending we go to physical therapy for his torticolis.

2. A Chic fil a treat after the kids all behaved at our pediatrician's. Having all 5 in that tiny room could have been disasterous but I was so proud of them!

3. Link's first taste of real food...he loved his brown rice cereal more than any of his siblings!

Wednesday, July 30

1. Link turned 4 months and let out his first belly laughs after bath time!

2. A morning play date with friends and ordering pizza for lunch.

3. If we put link in his bounce a roo after dinner and bath he will bounce himself to sleep. It is so cute and funny!

1. Buying school supplies...I still remember the excitement I had as a kid picking out all new school essentials.
2. Celebrating Coach's 74th birthday!!
Thursday, August 14
1. Celebrating 10 years of marriage with my babe! Can't wait for the next decade!
2. Sushi and wine for dinner.
3. John getting home early and walking in with beautiful flowers for me.
Sunday, August 17
1. Spending the last day of summer on the beach.
2. Laying out first day of school outfits before bed.
3. Packing three lunch boxes this year.
Monday, August 18
1. Palmer's first day of preschool! He was so excited and couldn't wait to go to school with his r2D2 backpack and spiderman lunchbox. When the teacher said to tell mommy bye he looked up, smiled, and gave me a little wave! No tears at all! He was so ready for school! I scooped him up and kissed and hugged him! When I picked him up in the afternoon he was still smiling but fell asleep in his car seat in 2 seconds! He's used to taking naps everyday.
2. Leo's first day of VPK! He was lucky to have all of his classmates from last year move up with him! He had a fabulous first day with his new teachers. He even took a nap at school he had so much fun!
3. Islas first day of second grade at the new K-8 school! She loves her teacher and I love that she's so close to home. This is going to be a great year for my babies!


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