Tuesday, October 30, 2012


What a month it’s been!  My favorite season of the year has not disappointed that’s for sure.  Our month of October has been filled with a bunch of fun and smiles.  Even though we have been busier than ever before, I’ve welcomed the stresses because it involves all things good and so no complaints over here.  Isla and Leo are dong great in school and while they are learning Palmer and I spend our mornings hanging out, running errands, taking wagon rides, and packing up the house.  Palmer is mommy’s little boy and I could cuddle him and listen to his laughter all day long.  He definitely keeps me on my toes.  Our 18 month old is constantly on the move but with the sweetest disposition ever.  Some new words of his are, “ju” for juice, “side” for outside, “sue” for shoe, “ah duh” for all done, “bah boo” for buddy fruit and “buh” for book.  Our P-nut still loves his bottle so that’s the one thing I’m trying to work on with him.  Leo has made a best friend in his class, Peyton, and it makes me so happy to know he enjoys going to school and having fun playing with his buddy.  At three he is trying to protest his naps but if I lay down with him after he has been in his room for 30 min. he’s out within 5 minutes.  I love this snuggle time with my tender heart.  His favorite afternoon activity is playing outside in the afternoon and finding sticks in the yard to use as swords.  He and Palmer have “sword” fights every day and Palmer has the scars to prove it.  My boys crack me up.  We met with Isla’s teacher last week for the end of the 9 weeks parent conference.  Come to find out our little angel is at the top of her class.  Insert proud mama/daddy bragging moment into the blog.  She’s already reading on a level 4 and excels in Math.  The one thing she does need to work on is “yelling out the answers” and “teaching” those at her table.  Keep up the good work, Isla Shea!  Baby boy is ready to go and could come at anytime.  I’m almost 37 weeks and we are anxiously awaiting his arrival.  I constantly have Braxton Hicks contractions so I’m just on the edge of my seat wondering when the real things will start.  I love the suspense and excitement though.  He’s such a wiggle worm in my belly these days but since he’s running out of room, some of his movements stop me in my tracks.  I’m soaking it up though and loving every last second of this pregnancy.  I really cannot wait to hold his little newborn body though. 

Here are some of our October 2012 memories:

Pumpkin Patch off of Penman

The kids loved climbing the haystacks, picking out the tiniest and biggest pumpkins, and riding the wooden pony. 







Pumpkin Patch at Palms Preschool (Leo’s first “field trip”)

They played bean bag toss, parachute, had a book and sticker station, had a foot race, ate chocolate chip cookies, and played in the sandbox.  Nothing better!


(he won the race and was so proud)


Last trip to Disney as a party of 5

We went for the day on Isla’s teacher planning Friday.  I didn’t realize how difficult it would be at 9 months pregnant but I made it through and even though I had contractions on the entire 2 1/2 hour drive home, it was totally worth it.  The Magic Kingdom never gets old and I feel like our family could go every week.  Their favorites this time were It’s a Small World, The Carousel, Pirates of the Caribbean (especially the swords they picked up afterwards), Dumbo, and the Parade.  See you in 2013, Disney, with a new baby in tow. 







An Angel, Batman, and Skeleton on their way to a Halloween Party at My Gym

For an hour they jumped, rolled, and danced around My Gym all the while getting treats for their skills.  Such a fun time. 





Pumpkin carving followed by Hot Chocolate and freshly roasted pumpkin seeds

It was the first really cold day of the season so we deemed it the perfect night to carve our pumpkins.  Leo and Palmer weren’t too into getting their hands in the goop but this year Isla helped me separate the seeds and even planned out the face she wanted John to carve on her pumpkin.  After cleaning up we bundled up in side and warmed up with a snack of delicious seeds and marshmallow lover hot chocolate.  It was perfect! 






Happy Fall everyone!!!

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