Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Fun

We held our annual Christmas Cocktail Party last Friday night.  To me there is nothing better than getting together with great friends, sipping wine, telling stories, and just enjoying each others’ company.  I haven’t stayed up that late in a long time but it was well worth it.  We had a wonderful time and I’m again reminded of all the blessings in my life.  We are truly so lucky to be surrounded by such amazing people. 


Shanan and Drake are our newest friends.  Our daughters found each other in their 2 yr. old preschool class and have been inseparable ever since.  Isla and Riley will go to separate schools next year but I feel will be friends forever! 


Katie and Ian are awesome.  I went to highschool with Ian and happened to become friends with his wife when I joined a mom’s group when Isla was 6 months old.  We’ve hung out for the past 4 years and Katie was the first friend to show up to both my boys’ hospital rooms after they were born.  Great friends!


Krista and Marcel are the picture perfect couple..which is fitting since Krista is our amazing photographer.  We met them through Katie and Ian.  They are such a laid back and fun couple and have a 4 year old daughter, Ave, and 2 year old son, Connor, whom Isla and Leo adore! 


Joey is the husband to Heather.  The Malone’s are the sweetest.  They are the parents to Addison, another one of Isla’s best friends.  They are members of Palms as well and amazing friends.  These were the only ones that would let me take pictures of them but we were surrounded by the best of the best.  As I get older I’m realizing what makes a true friend…basically it comes down to who makes you smile, who are your shoulders settled around, and who brings the least drama.  I think our circle is perfect! 


You know what else is perfect?  My littles…..





Isla’s class went to Adventure Landing for their Winterfest this week.  They frosted sugar cookies, made ornaments, danced under “snow”, sat in Santa’s lap and played reindeer games. 




And neither one of them cried this year…score!   Insert the story that came from “santa’s” visit to Palms the other week.  Isla was so excited to see Santa and sit on his lap.  Well turns out sister is a detective in her spare time.  She knew immediately “Santa” was Mr. Don, who reads stories to them every Monday.  I picked her up and enthusiastically asked her about Santa and she depressingly said, “Mom, Santa, is Mr. Don.”  I was put on the spot and the best I could come up with was, “well, Isla, I’ll tell you a secret, none of the Santa’s you see are the real ones.  Because the real Santa is magic and noone ever sees him.  He’s busy at the North Pole making presents.”  She is only 4 for goodness sake.  And as my friend, Katie Hathaway, reminded me the other day, I still believed in 5th grade.  And let me tell you a secret….I still believe, because I saw him when I was 8, eating cookies on my couch, and I’ll never forget that…

“The true meaning of Christmas lies in your heart!” ~  Polar Express

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