Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Three

There’s about to be another birthday to celebrate at the Halman house this weekend.  Our little Leo is turning 2!  But for 3 more days he’s still 1 and I’m soaking up his littleness.  He likes the colors blue and green, he has two favorite dinosaurs; the T-Rex and the Triceratops and he knows the difference, he has no interest in potty training, his favorite food is cheese, his favorite show is “Super Why”, his favorite songs are “Take me out to the ball game” and “Old McDonald”, and he LOVES diggers!!!  Even though Leo’s in the transition to the “terrible twos”, he still has the same tender heart he’s always had.  Leo has the sweetest disposition and definitely has all the Libra traits.  He’s the peacemaker in the family and always makes sure everyone is okay.  If someone is mad or sad he loses it.  Leo wants everyone to be happy and smiling at all times.  Well how can you not be smiling when you see this face… 


Our 4 year old is having such a fun year so far.  She’s a busy little girl lately.  On Monday she has chapel, Tuesday brings music with Dr. C, the choir director, Wednesday she has tumbling during the day and LOGOS at church in the evening, and she goes to tap and ballet on Thursday.  Friday is her only down day.  She loves it though.  Isla is such a social butterfly and she thrives on doing all these super cool activities.  She told me she wants to play T-Ball in the spring…I can’t wait!!!  Isla continues to love pink and purple, she could eat berries all day, her favorite shows at the moment are “Martha Speaks” and “Curious George”, her favorite pretend game to play is “Mom and Kid”, Isla still loves crafts and dress up, and she can’t fall asleep without her “pink and peach” bunny.  I love that she’s growing up into such a little lady but I’m reminded that she is really still a little girl, especially when she tells me she wants to eat “Cimm-a-non” toast for breakfast and she can’t wait to carve “Pun-kins.”  I love her!



Speaking of pumpkins…I can’t tell you the joy this little pumpkin brings to our family.  Palmer smiles constantly, especially when I’m kissing all over his precious face or singing “The Bear Went Over the Mountain.”  He’s loving apples, bananas, sweet potatoes, prunes, basically anything sweet but is still unsure of peas, green beans, carrots and squash.  In the afternoon Palmer loves laying on a blanket in the front yard under the tree.  He watches Isla swinging above him and listens to Leo playing with his cars.  He still only wants mommy’s milk to drink and I’m so happy for that.  He hates tummy time now that he’s older, so he may never roll over.  He’s got the biggest and brownest eyes I’ve ever seen.  They melt your heart.  He’s got a brother and sister who love him to pieces and will do anything to protect and make him happy.  The three of them are so lucky to have each other.  Watching them together fills my heart completely up! 


I can’t believe these three are all mine!

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