Thursday, August 11, 2011

Normal Day

Oh how I missed you!  I came down with mastitis for the 2nd time last week.  I honestly have never felt more sick in my life.  The first time I had it was pretty awful but it only lasted one day.  This time it stuck around for 3 whole days.  During that time all I was wishing for was to have a normal day again.  I would have given anything to be able to just stand up and go to the bathroom on my own.  It’s in these times that you realize just how wonderful “normal days” are.  This week started off fantastic.  I’ve never been more happy to see a Monday in my life.  I finally felt like my old self and was ready to get back into the swing of things.  And oh how I missed my babies.  I couldn’t even talk to them much less hold them during the mastitis so I snuck in a whole lot of extra kisses and snuggles this week…



(His shirt says, “Whooo’s the cutest?”  I think we can agree…he is.)


(Palmer’s serious face…love it)


I had absolutely no appetite last week so when I was all better it was time to refuel at our family’s favorite restaurant, Culhane’s.  We love the live music, the Irish food, and the company.  The kids love the laid back atmosphere and dancing the jig with each other. 


A beach trip was in order too.  We picked the wrong beach on this day though.  They were dredging about 20 yards away from where we decided to lay out.  At one point the water busted through the sand dam and whose path did the river flow to?  Yep, that would be us.  Luckily I was sitting sideways and saw the river of water heading straight for Palmer who was sound asleep on the towel.  I scooped him up just in time along with our beach bag as the rest of our belongings were swept away.  Luckily 3 kind hearted people helped me gather everything up. Meanwhile John, Isla, and Leo (clueless as to what just happened) were frolicking in the foamy mess made by the dredging.  Oh, it was a nightmare for me, but they had a blast…




Normal afternoon days in the front yard commenced as well…







And this little 22 month old…he’s emerging into 2 year old world.  His personality is emerging and he’s becoming independent and strong willed like his sister.  He’s graduated from swim lessons too.  We are so proud of our little fish.  He absolutely loves going to the Ponte Vedra pool now and will jump in the deep end and swim for 2 hours straight.  A mini Michael Phelps. 






I’m loving my days at home with these two brothers, and sister too, and can’t help but daydream about the future and the relationships that our 3 kids will have with each other.  I pray that they will remain close and best friends forever. 


Lil palmer

I leave you with this quote, which I fell in love with the day my friend passed it on to me.  It’s written on a canvas in our living room and its words always are with me….

“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are.  Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart.  Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.  Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return."
Mary Jean Iron

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