Wednesday, September 8, 2010


These past couple of weeks have been filled with many milestones. One being our little baby boy turned 11 months old. That means in one more month we'll be partying hard and celebrating the day he was born into this world and graced us with so much happiness and love. Little Leo will be One!!!

His favorite parts of the day are mealtimes. :) The little thing can eat some food! I swear he eats more than his sister. And he hasn't met a food he doesn't like...except for bananas which is the one food I though all kids liked. This picture cracks me up b/c it just shows you how much he enjoyed his lunch.

Another milestone was Isla's first day of 3 year old preschool. It was a whole lot different from last year. The tears didn't come down her cheeks and didn't well up in my eyes either. I guess we are both growing up or maybe I just know how much she loves her Palms Preschool. And it makes me happy that she's growing, learning, and making lifelong friends day in and day out.

I love sitting down to breakfast with my two babies in the morning and talking about what the day has in store for us. If the conversation involves making a craft, watching a program, swinging or going to the park, it's going to be the best day ever for Isla. Leo is just happy to be wherever his sister is.
We had Sunday night dinner at our house a couple weeks ago and had fun telling stories from the past, listening to music, and dancing too! Eddie Shea was "Mr. Rock and Roll" in highschool you know.
Then there was the special baby shower for one of my bestest friends, Jennifer Stetts. Her baby will be here at the end of October and her belly is just adorable! She's not finding out what she's having but I'm going to guess girl! We'll just have to wait and see.

We broke out some water balloons the other day and I forgot how much fun water balloon fights can be. John snuck up behind me one time and I got bombed. It was hilarious.
And of course a very special milestone was the celebration of our 6th Anniversary. My mom got us special m&ms which were very cute!

We went to Savannah for the weekend and had a lovely time reconnecting and enjoying each others company without the distraction of a preschooler and baby. We strolled down the old historic cobblestone streets, got our Tarot cards read by a pyschic (which was crazy accurate), ate delicious southern food, and relaxed at The Mansion on Forsyth. It was the perfect getaway. But I'm also glad to be home with my little sweethearts in our home by the beach. Nothing makes me feel more complete.

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