Sunday, March 27, 2011

Disney World

On a whim we decided to make a day trip to the Happiest Place on Earth.  We wanted to create a memory on a little trip that will probably be our last as a family of four and before we become a “Party of Five.”  We woke up, got dressed, jumped into the car, said a little prayer, and were on the road by 7:00a.m.  Breakfast was Chik-fil-A and the 2 1/2 hour entertainment for Isla and Leo was “The Sound of Music” DVD.  We made it to the Magic Kingdom pretty fast as it was a very smooth and thankfully uneventful drive.  After parking in Daisy 28, we jumped on the tram then made our way into the monorail line. 


Then Daddy waited in the the will call line to pick up our tickets while we talked about what rides we wanted to see first.  Isla voted for “It’s a Small World” and Leo just wondered where in the world we were. 


(I made Isla’s outfit with the sewing machine I got for my birthday…I’m very proud of myself)


We finally got inside the park and were greeted by Cinderella’s Castle.  Isla was beyond excited.  I love that I captured the moment where she saw her favorite princesses home.  I hope she keeps that innocent magic in her heart forever.


It’s a Small World was the perfect ride to start the day off with.  Isla kept asking “What country is this, Mom.”  I tried my very best to answer in hopes that the people in front of and behind us didn’t hear my answers because I’m sure the majority were wrong.  But I love that ever since this ride Isla’s baby dolls have been taking trips to India, Japan, and Mexico during playtime. 


It was then time for a snack break.  One chocolate milkshake and strawberry lemonade pop later, we rode Winnie the Pooh.  Isla said she’d never ride it again because the thunderstorm scared her.  After that reaction, we decided to skip the Haunted Mansion ride.  Leo rode the carousel while Isla and I looked at “Mary Poppins” signing autographs.  Since Isla is obsessed with the movie, Mary Poppins, she said “Mom, that’s not Mary Poppins.  Who is she?”  I didn’t know how to answer so I said it was one of her friends.  You can’t get much past her lately.  Thank goodness Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White didn’t come around and we were able to only see them from afar during the parade.  She would have figured out they were all fakes.  Talk about devastation for a 3 (almost 4) year old. 




By this time, Leo and Isla were worn out and naptime called.  Isla had me rock her to sleep in Frontier Land while John ate a turkey leg.  Leo passed out on his own in the stroller.  John and I enjoyed some quiet time and people watching as they slept.  My 33 week pregnant self loved being able to sit and rest my feet while eating a frozen lemonade treat. 


Somehow the night before we left I lucked out and got into the Character lunch at the Crystal Palace.  Someone must have cancelled right when I went on line to reserve because it was completely filled 5 minutes before.  These meals usually book up 180 days in advance so I was so excited.  The lunch was really good and Isla and Leo got to meet Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, and Tigger.   Isla was so happy to hug the characters who thankfully wore masks.  Leo was absolutely terrified and would run and cling to my leg when one would walk on over to our table.  But in the end, it was definitely a highlight from the trip. 




(Hands in the mouth is Leo’s way of telling us he’s scared of things)





After lunch we headed to Main Street for the Dreams Come True parade in which all the princesses made their appearance.  We got to see them again at Cinderella’s Castle during another show.  We rode a few more rides including Pirates of the Caribbean, The Country Bear Jamboree, Peter Pan, Mickey’s Philarmagic, and Buzz Lightyear before calling it a day.  On our way out of the park, we stopped at the Emporium for Isla and Leo to each pick out a souvenir.  Leo picked a Toy Story football and Isla picked a princess cup and jellybeans.  It was a magical day that we will remember for always. 



(Who needs princesses when you have a carton of popcorn?)




And they lived Happily Ever After!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring Forward

I love this time of year.  Everything is slowly waking up and coming alive.  The trees in the neighborhood are all different colors, our grass is turning green again, and the babies are eager to get into their swimsuits.  Spring is here!  Bring on the fun! 


I’m 33 weeks pregnant and our little baby boy-to- be is doing great!  We had our last ultrasound and he’s measuring 4lbs. 4oz. and apparently has lots of hair.  This is new for me because Isla and Leo only had a little bit of fuzz.  He looks precious and has turned head down so he is ready to go.   He is still very active in my tummy and I’m loving each and every kick, roll, and hiccup! 

30 weeks2




Beach days are back making the weekends extra fun. 






We’ve also discovered a new park.  It’s a little bit of  a drive but well worth the gas.  This park is fully fenced in, has clean bathrooms, water fountains, and has a field turf bottom.  The equipment is perfect for big kids and babies alike.  Isla and Leo LOVE to go to the “faraway park.”   And 8 month pregnant mama loves being able to sit on a bench and see them from every angle.  Needless to say we’ve been quite a lot, 3 times last week, and I foresee many more “faraway park” trips happening in the next 7 weeks. 










And when spring arrives, so does the slip-and-slide….enough said. 










Loving the springtime and as always, loving my family!!!