Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We’ve been busy! I barely have enough time to eat much less catch up on our blog. But I want to write down all that’s been going on with us in the 5 weeks since Palmer came into our lives. They say time flies when you are having fun, well having 3 babies is TONS of fun, but it’s also pretty hectic. I can’t believe it’s been 5 weeks already. We’ve been busy learning. Learning how to be a family of five. This means teaching a 4 year old and 20 month old how to be gentle, not to kiss baby on the lips, to talk a little bit softer, to be patient while mommy nurses again, and so on. Learning a new daily routine has been challenging too but I think we finally have a good one going. Adding another angel to our family has definitely had its challenges but honestly it’s been easier then going from 1 to 2. I feel like in 5 weeks we’ve accomplished what took us 3 months when Leo arrived. Bedtime rituals are what have changed the most. Palmer seems to want to go down at 7:30, the exact time as his brother and sister. John and I used to take turns putting Leo and Isla asleep but now I’m nursing Palmer at that time. Some nights I get lucky and Palmer goes to bed at 7 or 8 so I do get to read my Leo and Isla their books and get in some snuggles but other nights I’m with Palmer. On those nights, I make it a point to still sneak into Isla’s room for some kisses and sweet words, and I pick Leo up out of his crib as he tell me to “ock you” meaning he wants me to rock him. So I do and think about how lucky I am to have love from 3 little ones. It’s amazing, this life I live. I am so blessed and love this learning-to-be-a-mom experience that I live each day. There couldn’t be a better lesson. IMG_2713 loves
Palmer’s scowl face. He is constantly trying to figure out this life.


Isla and Leo have also been learning how to fish…and they look pretty cute doing it.


They love their little brother and I can’t wait for the 3 of them to grow to be the best of friends. bigsis
Palmer loves bath time. He almost fell asleep in the tub the first night he was in it. I think he felt like he was back in the womb. Every time I place him in the warm water he immediately gets all wide eyed and calm. Then he’s out like a light. firstbath


The afternoons have been brutally hot here so we spend the time outside in our driveway playing in the hose. Leo stops each time a plane flies overhead to spot it in the sky.


We’ve also been spending our weekends at the beach…


Leo is 20 months now and really has developed so much in the past couple of months. His favorite things to do are play with his trucks and diggers, read books, and play outside. He can say anything you ask him to and has even started singing songs along with me. He surprised me and counted to 10 the other day too. Some of my favorite things he says are: “Be book” for read book, “awter” for water, “peas” for please, “dank you” for thank you, “eeeooowww” when he sees a plane. I just love this little man to pieces!!!


Hopefully he graduates from swim lessons soon too. He’s been working really hard at it all spring and I can’t wait to see him put it all together.


Palmer’s latest milestone is his first smile. It made it’s appearance in our front yard while I was holding him when he was 4 weeks and 3 days old. Biggest, gummiest, smile ever. Since then he’s flashed a couple here and there and they are so precious to see. Just tonight he smiled several smiles at John for the first time. They melt your heart.


The inflatable pool has also been our best friend lately…



And popsicles too!
Oh, and water balloons, boats, cars and scooters as well.


We are learning and loving every second of it.

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